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mardi 6 février 2007

D/chi thuong dung de van dong Dan chu Nhan quyen

Những địa chỉ email thuờng dùng để vận động Dân chủ #1630

Những địa chỉ email của các giới chức thường ủng hộ phong trào dân chủ trong nước:
- U.S. President George W. BushEmail: comments@whitehouse.govCanadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Email: pm@pm.gc.ca
- Senator for ACT Gary HumphriesEmail: mailto:senator.humphries@aph.gpv.au
- Senator for South Australia Annette HurleyEmail: malto:senator.hurley@aph.gov.au
- U.S. Department of StateEmail:mailto:usdeptstate@mailnjcushelp.com
- U.S. Department of State/Contact-usEmail: http://contact-us.state.gov/cgi-bin/state.cfg/php/enduser/std_alp.php
- US Ambassador to SRVNEmail: acshanoi@state.gov
- US Consulate in SRVNEmail uscongenhcmc@state.gov
- United States Commisioner on Internationai Religious FreedomEmail: communications@uscirf.gov
- The Honorable Sam Brownback, U.S. SenatorEmail: http://brownback.senate.gov/CMEmailMe.cfm
- U.S. Representative Chris SmithEmail: http://www3.capwiz.com/c-span/mail/?id=385&type=CO&state=NJ
- - U.S. Representative Frank R WolfEmail:http://www3.capwiz.com/c-span/mail/?id=608&type=CO&state=VA
- U.S. Representative Dan LungrenEmail: http://www.lungren.house.gov/feedback.shtml
- - U.S. Representative Zoe LofgrenEmail: http://www3.capwiz.com/c-span/mail/?id=536&type=CO&state=CA
- -U.S. Representative Loretta SanchezEmail: http://www3.capwiz.com/c-span/mail/?id=670&type=CO&state=CA
- Mr. Marc Knapper, Political Adviser to U.S. Ambassador to SRVNEmail: knapperME@state.gov
- Reporter Sans FrontiereEmail: rsf@rsf.org
- Human Rights WatchEmail: hrwdc@hrw.org
- Amnesty InternationalEmail: aimember@aiusa.org
- BosNewsLife News AgencyEmail: http://www.bosnewslife.com/contact
- ICC PersecutionEmail:icc@persecution.org
- Que MeEmail: queme@free.fr- San Jose Mercury NewsEmail: letters@mercurynews.com.
-- Đài RFAEmail: vietweb@rfa.org
- Vatican Radio Email; fides@fides.va Email: infoenglish@zenit.org

Quý độc giả có thể truy cập thêm những địa chỉ Email khác trong link sau đây: http://www.tudongonluanonline.com/pages/sub.asp?cID=5&PID=0&sID=10


E-MAILS cac nhan vat o My va cac co quan Nhan quyen quoc te:

- Cc: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Email: pm@pm.gc.ca
- Senator for ACT Gary HumphriesEmail: senator.humphries@aph.gov.au
- Senator for South Australia Annette Hurley Email: senator.hurley@aph.gov.au
- U.S. Department of StateEmail:usdeptstate@mailnj.custhelp.com
- U.S. Department of State/Contact-usEmail: http://contact-us.state.gov/cgi-bin/state.cfg/php/enduser/std_alp.php
- US Ambassador to SRVNEmail: acshanoi@state.gov
- US Consulate in Saigon, SRVNEmail uscongenhcmc@state.gov
- United States Commisioner on Internationai Religious Freedom Email: communications@uscirf.gov
- The Honorable Sam Brownback, U.S. SenatorEmail: http://brownback.senate.gov/CMEmailMe.cfm
- U.S. Representative Chris SmithEmail: http://www3.capwiz.com/c-span/mail/?id=385&type=CO&state=NJ
- U.S. Representative Frank R WolfEmail: http://www3.capwiz.com/c-span/mail/?id=608&type=CO&state=VA
- U.S. Representative Dan LungrenEmail: http://www.lungren.house.gov/feedback.shtml
- U.S. Representative Zoe LofgrenEmail: http://www3.capwiz.com/c-span/mail/?id=536&type=CO&state=CA
- U.S. Representative Loretta Sanchez Email: http://www3.capwiz.com/c-span/mail/?id=670&type=CO&state=CA
- R. S. F.Email: rsf@rsf.org
- Human Rights WatchEmail: hrwdc@hrw.org
- Amnesty International Email: aimember@aiusa.org
- BosNewsLife News AgencyEmail: http://www.bosnewslife.com/contact
- ICC PersecutionEmail:icc@persecution.org
- Que MeEmail: queme@free.fr
- San Jose Mercury NewsEmail: letters@mercurynews.com
- Đài RFAEmail: vietweb@rfa.org
- Vatican Radio Email; fides@fides.va Email: infoenglish@zenit.org

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